Saturday, June 14, 2008


Hi there!
Am I the only one who still visits this blog?!
He! You guys could drop by and comment every now and again!!
hehehe may not be interested in participating actively but you won't make me give up posting here! At least I AM practicing some English! =P

Well, I've found some interesting stuff, a bit of slang. Have fun!

  • BIG TIME = a lot/very (US)
They screwed up big time.

  • ITTY-BITTY = a little/little

She has these itty-bitty little fingers.


  • ITSY-BITSY = a little / little

She has these itsy-bitsy little fingers.

  • UMPTEEN = a lot/very

I called him umpteen times, but he was never there.

  • ZILCH = nothing

These old coins are worth zilch.

  • HELLUVA = a lot/very
I’ve been waiting a helluva long time.
(helluva = hell of a) !! amazing isn't it?

  • NO END = a lot / very

His work has improved no end.

  • OODLES = a lot / very

Mary put oodles of chocolate sauce on her ice cream.

  • SERIOUSLY = a lot / very
He plays some seriously good music.

  • DEAD = a lot / very

The test was dead easy.

  • ISH = a little / little

“Did you get nervous during the interview?” “Ish.”

  • TEENY-WEENY = a little / little

Just a teeny weeny piece for me, please.

  • PIFFLING = a little / little

How can I buy a new car with such a piffling salary?


  • PIDDLING = a little / little

How can I buy a new car with such a piddling salary?

  • JACK SHIT = Nothing

He doesn’t know jack shit about computers. (US)

  • GOOD AND… = a lot / very

I like my coffee good and hot.

  • MASSES = a lot / very

We’ve still got masses of things to do. (UK)

  • BUGGER ALL = Nothing

Bugger all! (UK)
[Porcaria nenhuma!]

  • DINKY = a little / little

He lives in a really dinky apartment.

  • MILES = a lot / very

His new movie is miles better than his last one.

  • HEAPS = a lot / very

I’ve got heaps of things to do.

  • ODD = a little / little

I’ve lived here for twenty odd years.
[Eu moro aqui há 20 e poucos anos.]

  • A TAD = a little / little

I’m feeling just a tad disappointed.

  • TONS = a lot / very

I’ve got tons of emails to answer.

  • REAL = a lot / very

Why don’t you try it? It’s real easy. (US)

  • ZILLIONS = a lot / very

On New Year’s Eve there were zillions of people on Copacabana Beach.

  • DIDDLY = nothing

She doesn’t know diddly about computers. (US)

  • ZIP = nothing

He knows zip about women. (US)

That's all!
see ya!

Friday, June 6, 2008


hi there!!

hey this is really cool!!
do you know what it means??
yeah "Whatchamacallit", it does mean something!
that's the word you use when you are speaking about something or someone whose name you can't remember!!!

and when you're at restaurant or something and you want pay the bill for your friends...what do you say?
"my treat"

nice isn't it??

well...that's all
see ya!!