Monday, April 7, 2014

Learn english by blogging

Kindred Spirits, by Asher

Writing a blog can teach you a lot about communication. But blogging can be much more than writing a blog. Reading other people's articles can be very stimulating, and is an open channel for new vocabulary, but also for enriching your communication skills in many dimensions. Pace of writing and organization of your texts are just some of the many things you can learn by blogging.

Today I was reading a blog, and as usual tabs multiply as the reading goes. At some point, I realised I had had to go a couple of times to the dictionary, to research these words: 'kindred' and 'ableist'.

  • kindred a person who has the same opinions, feelings, and interests as you
  • ableism a form of discrimination or social prejudice against¯ people with disabilities

According to the Urban dictionary,

Kindred Spirits are two people that make a special connection by sharing a bond that has joined them by the means of an experience that has drawn them together on a higher level of consciousness. This connection can be from the same experience at the same time or two separate experiences similar in nature.

Now, here is the phrase with ableism (actually, ableist), from this blogpost:

Before I continue, I must clarify that I will refrain from branding those who use hashtags as a form of activism as ‘slacktivists’ (and so should you!) because this is a form of ableist language and we all do what we can, and besides, hashtags can provide a more accessible means of activism for many.

Want to blog? There are many platforms out there, many free. Writing is an estimulating exercise, and blogs allow for a kind of public and open dialogue.