Friday, February 13, 2009

Back. (?)

Hi everyone. Back again, yes we are, hopefully, thanks. It is not worth explaining the. . . perceptible disruption in tadpoles' updating, and therefore I shall go straight to business (to satisfy those sharp wondering minds as for the motor behind the ressurection, I can spare two words: holiday course).
Blood is thicker than water.
As usual, a little saying to season the post. The above sentence is used in order to convey the idea family bonds are stronger than others. Sort of expression likely to be listened to as one's lectured by one of their parents, if they're creative enough.
Also, and that's the context in which I happened to hear the expression, it can be used to justify one's unexpected attitude, as in:
'Weren't you "dead tired"? Why didn't you go straigt to bed and went shopping then?'
'My grandma's asked me to help her with the shopping. You know, blood's thicker.'
I could (and definetely would like to) write a lot more. But let's save it for the future. Lastly, to the sceptics about "tadpoles strikes back", can't help but say
Better late than never.


Tamira said...

Hi there!
Just dropping by to leave a little comment on your post.
Happy about that? I wouldn't be if I were you.
Wondering why is that? That's because, I'm afraid to tell you, but I've fond a little mistake on your weel-written post, my dear friend. Yes I did. Call it a miracle if you want so. You wont be able to bother me. You know what? I'm gonna name that miracle to you, two simple words: "holiday course".
Well, let's go straight to the point cause I'm sure you're quite anxious by now...maybe you've already re-read the post once or twice and said to yourself: "She's kidding."
But you better pay attention. This is serious, you've made a mistakeeeee.
And now I'll shove it in your face, sorry. But you know... don't blame me..blood's thicker. That's my duty as your beloved little sister.

Come on, take a deep breath and come back to your post. Now read it carfully. The paragraph bellow the saying, second line, second word. I suppose you meant "bonds" which means "connection" instead of the word you actually used, "bounds", which exists indeed but meaning "border".
Such meaning does not suits your phrase therefore there's no way you pretend that it was exactly what you wanted to say. Sorry about that.

You better use words you know next time sweetheart! Maybe I can give you some tips if you want so.

Kind regards!

(JK I just couldn't resist the temptation!!)

informal post = mistakes allowed
formal language = sorry boy you'll have to revise it.

Tássio said...

Hello Tamira!
Yes, you are right indeed. It was a mistake (corrected now). Thank you for pointing it out!
Now I can barely wait the chance to scrutinize your next post =]

Dio Aloke said...
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Dio Aloke said...

Hah! Gotcha Tamira! You also made a mistake! Check the third paragraph, second line. You wrote 'Now read it carfully'. I don't suppose you were talking about reading in a car or other stupid joke like that (mea culpa, not yours).

Like the ancients used to say 'errare humanum est'

Tamira said...
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Tamira said...

Ohh but that's different!
It was clearly a spelling mistake, which does not affect the comprehension of the sentence...
once the word "carfully" doesn't exist.
So, as you all see, ladies and gentleman, my little tiny, itty-bitty spelling mistake couldn't lead you to trouble by giving you an incorrect concept... unfortunately the same cannot be said on Tássio's sentence.
This evidence IS, in my view, a conclusive proof that highlights the fact that he didn't know the difference between "bonds" and "bounds". But for those who aren't quite convinced yet, I'd like to add a piece of information: .....

No.. I better stop over here, otherwise... anyway I better stop.

You and I know what the truth is, don't we, Tássio??

Just to make things clear, I'd like to summarize the main idea of this comment: MY MISTAKE WAS ZIP!!
